The purpose of Community Hugs Foundation is to act as an emergency resource for people in the community who are struggling to cope, perhaps because of an unexpected bill, a delayed benefit payment, homelessness, or some other major household crisis.

Our Basics Bank also has the wider aim of promoting improved public health in our local area by providing decent nutrition to those who are lacking it. We do this through sharing and redistributing resources and in this way we also seek to create a sense of community solidarity in the Greater Los Angeles area.

All Basics Bank items and food are donated or purchased with donations. Other supplies come from generous individuals, businesses and charitable groups.


How we work

COMMUNITY HUGS IS A project supported by local churches, caring organiZations and COMMUNITY MEMBERS. We provide individuals and families in need with:

  • Emergency food parcels of enough tinned and dried food for 5 days plus fresh fruit and vegetables when available
  • Good quality second hand clothes (men’s and women’s)


There are many different situations where an individual or a family may find themselves in emergency need of food and clothing. Here are a few examples:

Relationships breakdown/Domestic abuse

Still in a state of shock and physically bruised following her husband’s violent weekend outburst, Maria has come for a week’s supply of food and clothing for her two children under the age of five. She is staying at a local Women’s Refuge while a solicitor helps her gain a court injunction as well as access to the marital home and the joint bank accounts.


Depressed at the thought of turning fifty and the simultaneous loss of his long-term partner and professional position, Dennis began to drink heavily and ended up sleeping rough. His alcoholism means he is usually refused a place at the Nightshelter. He sleeps in a local cricket pavilion and often spends the daytime hours in the refuge of a local church; it is the vicar of the church who has made the referral to enable Dennis to obtain food and clothing.


Yasmin is in a relatively low paid job, but has been managing to keep up the payments on her flat. A cold spell and rising energy costs have meant that she has not been able to buy enough food.  Her doctor, concerned at the impact this has been having on her health, issued her with a voucher to exchange for food and warm clothing.


Peter and his family had been placed in emergency accommodation following a fire at their home. As the council had issued a Basics Bank voucher, they were able to collect food and clothing from us, to tide them over until they were able to gain access to what was left of their belongings.

Family circumstances

Rachel and Tom have had several partners and marriages between them. These have left them with five children to care for, ranging from two to 15 years old, plus several outstanding court and rental bills. They have resorted to getting high interest credit loans which they lack the means to repay, despite both being in work at a local department store. They have been referred to the Basics Bank by a local children’s center attended by the youngest child.


James and Andrea decided as young married couple that their calling was to work with people with learning disabilities. They have two children of their own, both under five, and Andrea augments the family income with part-time evening work as a lifeguard. During the day she is a care assistant. Unfortunately, with the sudden closure of the charity for which he works, James has been made redundant. This has coincided with significant increases in energy and rental bills. They are struggling to make ends meet and need temporary assistance to see them through while James seeks benefit support and a new job.